
ForumForumForos DNNForos DNNCuestiones gene...Cuestiones gene...Delisoft.DSLocalizator.DNN5.03.00.04-PA-BETADelisoft.DSLocalizator.DNN5.03.00.04-PA-BETA
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 23/10/2010 3:05

Yo lo tengo de esta manera configurado y hasta el momento no me ha dado problemas...

  • DNN 05.04.01
  • Delisoft - DSLocaleSelectorPA 3.0.4
  • Delisoft - DSTabLocalizator 3.0.4

Espero que te ayude... saludos desde MD!

También me gusta ayudar!

Nuevo Mensaje
 20/08/2011 11:52


Sorry for writing here in english, but I have the following problem. I LOVE DSLocalizator module.
Unfortunately, since several weeks, Locopon website ( is no more accessible from France (as well as Switzerland and Italia), for an unknown reason...

I am trying to reach Mauricio Marquez (Locopon), through email, without success. I also try to obtain DSLocalizator 3.0.6 which is the version currently running with DNN 5.x. Can someone help me ?


Nuevo Mensaje
 20/08/2011 18:43

I just uploaded the module to my page, and you can download.


Nuevo Mensaje
 20/08/2011 21:23

Thanks a lot Calin. May I ask you if you have the latest 03.00.06 version (which is the final version, fully working with DNN 5.x) ??

Thanks for sharing,


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ForumForumForos DNNForos DNNCuestiones gene...Cuestiones gene...Delisoft.DSLocalizator.DNN5.03.00.04-PA-BETADelisoft.DSLocalizator.DNN5.03.00.04-PA-BETA

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