
ForumForumForos DNNForos DNNComercio Electr...Comercio Electr...Catalook: No estoy pudiendo generar el email en ProxyPayIPNCatalook: No estoy pudiendo generar el email en ProxyPayIPN
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 11/05/2012 16:41

He armado un módulo para trabajar con servired. En el modulo envío en Ds_Merchant_MerchantURL la URL que se corresponde a la tienda que estoy utilizando, pero no recibo nada.

He probado enviar también esto en Ds_Merchant_UrlOK y tampoco lo conseguí

Por ultimo probé con parámetros y tampoco tuve noticias. ( AddHTTP(GetDomainName(Request), PortalSettings.PortalId) & "/desktopmodules/CATALooKStore/DIBSPaymentWindowIPN.aspx" & "?catparams=" & OrderID.ToString & "p" & PortalSettings.PortalId.ToString & "p" & "order" )

Siempre vuelve a mi página y la sesión se mantiene pero el mail no sale.

Hay que configurar algo en la pasarela de pagos o en catalook?

Gracias por cualquier aporte.

Nuevo Mensaje
 15/05/2012 9:15

lo interesante para ayudarte sería ver qué código usas para enviar el mensaje...

Nuevo Mensaje
 23/05/2012 1:10

Este es el código:

Option Strict On

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports DotNetNuke.Common
Imports DotNetNuke
Imports System.Globalization
Imports DotNetNuke.Entities.Users
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports DotNetNuke.Common.Utilities
Imports System.Web.Security

Namespace CATALooK

Public Class DeltaPayCheckout
Inherits Framework.PageBase

#Region " Vom Web Form Designer generierter Code "

'This call is required by the Web Form Designer.
<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent()

End Sub

'CODEGEN: This method call is required by the Web Form Designer
'Do not delete or move it.
Private designerPlaceholderDeclaration As System.Object

Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Init
'This call is required by the Web Form Designer.
'Do not modify it using the code editor.
End Sub

#End Region

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim OrderID As Integer = 0
If Not Request.QueryString("OrderID") Is Nothing Then
OrderID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString("OrderID"))
End If
Dim _StoreAdminInfo As New StoreAdminInfo(PortalSettings.PortalId)

Dim objUserInfo As UserInfo = UserProfileController.GetCurrentUserInfo(PortalSettings.PortalId)

Dim FieldCollection As New NameValueCollection
Dim key As String
Dim gst_exempt_fields As String = ""
Dim objPOSelController As New POSelController
Dim numero_pedido As String
Dim total_pedido As String
Dim strDatosFirma As String
Dim strFirma As String
Dim strClaveComercio As String = _StoreAdminInfo.CCPassword
Dim strCodigoComercio As String = _StoreAdminInfo.CCUserName
Dim strDs_Merchant_Order As String = OrderID.ToString
Dim str_Merchant_MerchantURL As String
Dim strDS_Merchant_TransactionType As String = _StoreAdminInfo.CCTransactionType

Dim cart As ShoppingCartDB = New ShoppingCartDB
' Calculate shopping cart ID
Dim cartId As String = cart.GetShoppingCartId()

Dim objCartPrice As New CartPriceInfo
Dim objCartPrices As New CartPriceController
objCartPrice = objCartPrices.GetCartPrice(objUserInfo.UserID, PortalSettings.PortalId)

With _StoreAdminInfo

If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(.CCAdditionalParameters) Then
Dim Separator() As String = {ControlChars.CrLf, ControlChars.Lf}
Dim Selections() As String = .CCAdditionalParameters.Split(Separator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To Selections.Length - 1
If Selections(i) <> "" AndAlso Selections(i).IndexOf("=") > -1 Then
Dim param() As String = Selections(i).Split("="c)
FieldCollection.Add(param(0), param(1))
End If
End If
'1 <input type=HIDDEN name=Ds_Merchant_Amount value="<%=strDs_Merchant_Amount%>">

total_pedido = Int(Round(objCartPrice.CartTotal, 2) * 100).ToString
FieldCollection.Add("Ds_Merchant_Amount", total_pedido)

numero_pedido = OrderID.ToString & "-" & cartId

numero_pedido = "1100" & numero_pedido

'2 <input type=HIDDEN name=Ds_Merchant_Currency value="<%=strDs_Merchant_Currency%>">
FieldCollection.Add("Ds_Merchant_Currency", "978")

'3 <input type=HIDDEN name=Ds_Merchant_Order value="<%=strDs_Merchant_Order%>">
FieldCollection.Add("Ds_Merchant_Order", numero_pedido)

FieldCollection.Add("Ds_Merchant_ProductDescription", "Compra en: " & .PayPalCartName)

FieldCollection.Add("Ds_Merchant_Titular", objUserInfo.Profile.FirstName & " " & objUserInfo.Profile.LastName)

'7 <input type=HIDDEN name=Ds_Merchant_MerchantCode value="<%=strDs_Merchant_MerchantCode%>">
FieldCollection.Add("Ds_Merchant_MerchantCode", strCodigoComercio)


FieldCollection.Add("Ds_Merchant_UrlOK", .GetModuleURL(PortalSettings.PortalId, AddHTTP(GetDomainName(Request), PortalSettings.PortalId) & "/desktopmodules/CATALooKStore/DIBSPaymentWindowIPN.aspx" & "?catparams=" & OrderID.ToString & "p" & PortalSettings.PortalId.ToString & "p" & "order"))

FieldCollection.Add("Ds_Merchant_UrlKO", str_Merchant_MerchantURL)

'8 Spanish
FieldCollection.Add("Ds_Merchant_ConsumerLanguage", "1")

'9 <input type=HIDDEN name=Ds_Merchant_TransactionType value="<%=strDs_Merchant_TransactionType%>">
FieldCollection.Add("Ds_Merchant_TransactionType", strDS_Merchant_TransactionType)

'10 <input type=HIDDEN name=Ds_Merchant_MerchantURL value="<%=strDs_Merchant_MerchantURL%>">

str_Merchant_MerchantURL = ""

FieldCollection.Add("Ds_Merchant_MerchantURL", str_Merchant_MerchantURL)

strDatosFirma = total_pedido & numero_pedido & strCodigoComercio & "978" & strDS_Merchant_TransactionType & str_Merchant_MerchantURL & strClaveComercio
strFirma = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(strDatosFirma, "sha1")

'11 <input type=HIDDEN name=Ds_Merchant_MerchantSignature value="<%=strFirma%>">
FieldCollection.Add("Ds_Merchant_MerchantSignature", strFirma)

'12 <input type=HIDDEN name=Ds_Merchant_Terminal value="<%=strDs_Merchant_Terminal%>">
FieldCollection.Add("Ds_Merchant_Terminal", "1")


End With

Dim Url As String = Convert.ToString(IIf(_StoreAdminInfo.IsLicensed = False OrElse _StoreAdminInfo.CCTestMode, "", ""))
Dim Method As String = "POST"
Dim FormName As String = "frmRemotePOST"
Response.Write(String.Format("<body onload=""document.{0}.submit()"">", FormName))
Response.Write(String.Format("<form name=""{0}"" action=""{1}"" method=""{2}"">", FormName, Url, Method))

For Each key In FieldCollection.Keys
If FieldCollection(key) <> "" Then
Response.Write(String.Format("<input type=""HIDDEN"" name=""{0}"" value=""{1}"">", key, FieldCollection(key)))
End If



End Sub

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