
ForumForumForos DNNForos DNNAdministración ...Administración ...XMOD: User Control (ASCX) - Based LayoutXMOD: User Control (ASCX) - Based Layout
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 06/10/2008 9:12
 Modificado por vitolo  en 06/10/2008 11:19:08

Hola, he visto que a la hora de crear un form, tenemos esta opción, ¿alguien que lo haya utilizado y pueda describir un poco en que se diferencia de las otras?  Un saludo.

Nuevo Mensaje
 07/10/2008 4:14

Bueno y ya que no hay un sitio especifico para el XMOD y no lo voy a llenar esto de nuevos temas, escribo aqui otra duda. ¿Cómo puedo poner un dropdownlist (desplegable de opciones) en un formulario? Veo que las opciones que hay son select y select1 pero me aparece como checks o como una lista entera desplegada por defecto.

Nuevo Mensaje
 07/10/2008 4:36

Hola Vitolo:

Esto es lo que dice la ayuda al respecto:

1. Auto-Layout: This is the best type of form to select if you're new to XMod or if you want to create a quick form. With this type of form, you only need to define the controls to place on the form. XMod will automatically generate the HTML code and the control captions. Benefits: Quick form creation, no HTML needed. Disadvantages: No control over layout.
2. Custom HTML Layout: Once you've become more comfortable with XMod, you'll probably choose this option most of the time. Custom HTML Layout forms allow you to use your HTML skills to control the layout, format, and design of your form. You define form controls in the same way you do for Auto Layout forms. Whenever you need to insert HTML, you
simply enclose them in <literal> </literal> tag pairs. You'll also want to choose this form type if you'll be using Javascript to any great degree. Benefits: Complete control over layout, formatting, and design of the form; greater ability to inject Javascript functionality. Disadvantages: At least a basic knowledge of HTML is required. Creating custom forms is more time-consuming that auto-layout forms.
3. ASCX-Based Form: This last form type is for ASP.NET developers. It allows you to create a custom user control (an ASCX file) and use that as your data-entry form. This option provides the most flexibility and power since you can use your full ASP.NET development toolset and skills to craft the form. When you choose this type of form, you don't define controls in the form's editor. Rather you tell XMod the control names and what type of controls they are (single-value or multi-value fields) using <field> tags. See the sample ASCX-Based Form project included with the XMod download for sample code. Benefits: Provides the maximum flexibility and power by allowing you to leverage your ASP.NET development skills, ASP.NET controls, and even 3rd party custom ASP.NET controls. Allows you to concentrate on the UI and other business logic while XMod handles the data. Also, since you are creating an ASCX form, you not prevented from accessing non-XMod data sources - though you will be responsible for the interaction with those sources. Disadvantages: More complex and time-consuming than either the Custom HTML or the Auto Layout form types.

Guillaume Mullier
Live Data Security
Nuevo Mensaje
 07/10/2008 4:37


Bueno y ya que no hay un sitio especifico para el XMOD y no lo voy a llenar esto de nuevos temas, escribo aqui otra duda. ¿Cómo puedo poner un dropdownlist (desplegable de opciones) en un formulario? Veo que las opciones que hay son select y select1 pero me aparece como checks o como una lista entera desplegada por defecto.

Tienes que usar el child tag appearance="minimal"


Guillaume Mullier
Live Data Security
Nuevo Mensaje
 07/10/2008 4:39

Ahora, estoy averiguando como construir plantillas que cojan datos desde distintos formularios.

Luego haré un articulo para explicarlo.

Un abrazo.



Guillaume Mullier
Live Data Security
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